Executive Coaching: Performance & Profits

Join Siri Dahl & Executive Coach Jen Nash for a special webinar designed to jetpack your success.

What is Executive Coaching for Sex Workers?

So you’re doing OK but not meeting your personal and financial goals. Or maybe you’re struggling and not sure how to get out of that rut. You could even be doing really well, but the next level continues to elude you.

Wherever you are in your journey, you know something is missing and the path from A to B isn’t clear.

If you’re looking to get more out of what you’re doing and the effort you’re putting in, this is the video for you.

Join us for a very special webinar featuring Executive Coach and author Jen Nash who will be conducting a live interactive coaching session with famed adult film star (and PS: Group Brand Strategist) Siri Dahl.

By the end of the session, we guarantee you will feel more motivated to tackle short term tasks and inspired to go after those long term goals.

Jen Nash: Executive Coaching

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0:00 – Intro
02:20 – About the Speakers
08:10 – What is Exec Coaching?
09:24 – Coaching vs. Therapy
13:15 – Tenants of Coaching
16:27 – Coaching Clients
17:55 – Q&A
24:24 – Mini Coaching Session
56:46 – Recap
1:00:40 – Q&A